Wadsworth Community Radio

Heritage Ohio and Main Street America proudly recognizes Main Street Wadsworth as a Nationally Certified Main Street Community for 2024. A member of the Ohio Main Street Program since 2016, Wadsworth has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to downtown revitalization and community development.

During a wide-ranging on-site evaluation, the board of Main Street Wadsworth showcased a vibrant and effective program achieving measurable outcomes in downtown renewal. This Accreditation status reflects adherence to the Main Street America program’s rigorous standards, which include:

● Building grassroots revitalization initiatives,

● Cultivating strong public-private partnerships,

● Expanding economic opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and

● Actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets.

“This prestigious designation underscores the dedication and collaboration of the Main Street Wadsworth Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to enhance the heart of Wadsworth,” said Emily Davis, Main Street Wadsworth Board President.

Executive Director Megan Harvey added, “Main Street Wadsworth is in an era of growth, and we are extremely grateful for Heritage Ohio and Main Street America’s recognition and support as we work to achieve our mission of an unmatched downtown experience.”

Heritage Ohio is Ohio’s official historic preservation and Main Street organization. Dedicated to saving the places that matter and building stronger communities, Heritage Ohio supports economic development through the preservation of historic buildings, revitalization of downtowns, and promotion of cultural tourism. Since 1998, Heritage Ohio has served as the state coordinating agency for the National Main Street Program™, under contract with Main Street America.

To learn more about Heritage Ohio and its initiatives, visit www.HeritageOhio.org

Categories: News

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.