Results are in from Tuesday’s general election. Ohio voters added abortion rights to the State Constitution with the passage of Issue 1.
Legalizing recreational marijuana use, Issue 2, also passed in Ohio.
Locally, the city of Wadsworth voters chose Dan Rospert, Tom Stugmyer and Susan Hanlon for at-large city council seats.
In Ward Four, David Parish was elected. He was unopposed as incumbent Councilman Bruce Darlington did not seek re-election.
Other winners Tuesday were Robin Laubaugh for Mayor; Dave Williams, City Council President; Cathy Fix, Auditor; Brad Proudfoot, Law Director; Ralph Copley in Ward 1; Jon Yurchiak, Ward 2; Jeannie Hines, Ward 3; and Susan Lewis, Judge of Wadsworth Municipal Court.
For the Wadsworth School Board, winners were incumbent Jill Stevens and newcomer Tim Beck.
On the Countywide ballot, Issue 15, the one-mill renewal levy for health, human and social services, was approved by a 61% to 39% margin. The levy will benefit Job and Family Services, the Office of Older Adults and the ADAMH Board. The renewal levy will run for five years.
After an absence of two years, former Medina County Auditor Mike Kovack will hold elective office again. In the race for Medina Municipal Clerk of Courts, Kovack defeated incumbent Joe Salzgeber by a 60% to 40% margin.