Wadsworth Community Radio

Wadsworth police logoWith the changing of the seasons and warmer weather arriving, the Wadsworth Police Department is reminding residents to safeguard their valuables by taking some steps to prevent vehicle thefts.

– Lock any vehicles when left unattended
– Do not store valuable items in vehicles
– If valuables are left inside your car, make sure they aren’t visible
– Park in well-lit areas

Lt. Rob Wyrick says the most common items stolen include GPS units, cellphones, other electronic devices, wallets/purses, and loose change.

“We’re asking for the public’s help to assist us in safeguarding their property, motor vehicles and our city,” Wyrick said in a news release. “We rely on the public to be our ‘eyes and ears’ in any suspicious situations.”

If you notice unusual or unfamiliar vehicles, people or activities in your neighborhood, you can call Wadsworth police anytime at (330) 334-1511, or 911 if there is an emergency. Anonymous information about criminal or drug activity can be left in a voicemail box at (330) 335-2769, by emailing: [email protected] or through the department’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/wadsworthpd.

Categories: News

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.