Wadsworth’s own “Mighty Miles” — Miles Postak, 6 — will be one of the featured Akron Children’s Hospital “patient heroes” in this year’s First Energy Akron Marathon, Half Marathon and Team Relay on Sept. 28.
Before he was born, Miles was diagnosed with spina bifida. His parents Megan and Mark began the 5-month journey of learning all they knew to prepare for his birth and beyond. This included working with the hospital’s Fetal Treatment Center, where developmental and behavioral pediatricians, neurosurgeons and therapists all came together to develop an action plan for his arrival.
At age 2 days, Miles had surgery to close the opening in his back to prevent infection and save his spinal cord from further damage. A few days later, doctors placed a shunt in his head to drain fluid and relieve pressure from his skull. After spending 11 days in the NICU, he came home. He has since thrived in home full of love and support, although he continues to face new challenges affecting his mobility and strength and his vision. But, he’ll head to kindergarten this fall!
His parents are wonderful. Mark is a teacher at Wadsworth High School and coaches girls’ basketball. He has organized a girls’ basketball classic — The Believe Roundball Classic — to bring other teams together and raise funds for Akron Children’s Hospital spina bifida clinic.
Here’s a link to Miles’ complete story: https://www.akronmarathon.org/miles-postak/
We plan to interview the family on our morning show in the coming days; stay tuned!