Wadsworth Community Radio

With the weather taking a gorgeous turn this week, Wadsworth is making some great strides in many plans around town. But first…

The city of Wadsworth is working to get the potholes repaired at the entrance to Williams Reserve Blvd.

“Because it is a private drive, we don’t have the ability to fill and assess the potholes,” explained Economic Development Director Tom Morris.

“We want to make sure they (MK Properties Wadsworth LLC out of Columbus) know how terrible it is so when they get sued, they can’t say they didn’t know. The police went out and documented it and the company’s been put on notice. We are taking every avenue we can to put pressure on them. Potholes are unacceptable and they are a detriment to economic development.”

Registered letters have been sent to the property owners detailing the city’s concerns.

Before too much longer, Wadsworth residents will see pavement improvements on College Street between Pardee and High/Main Streets. The Wadsworth Streets Department is planning to fill the potholes with a sand/asphalt mix, after milling the area. Improvements will also be made on Broad Street, south of the gazebo.

Wadsworth is taking a second look at proposed plans for improvements at Freidt Park because of budgetary concerns. Although no plans have been drawn up, architects says the city may be “too aggressive” in their plans. Items being looked at include the basketball court, improvements to the parking lot, the artificial turf aspect of the field and the restroom facility.

If you’re in Downtown Wadsworth this week, you’ll notice lots of construction work taking place at the Pocket Park on Main Street.

“The weather has finally turned! The electricians are going to be finishing up all the wiring this week and prepping for the lighting and the fire pits,” explained Assistant Service Director John Bellack. He says the pergola has been delivered and workers are preparing to pour the concrete foundation for it this week.

Progress is being made on the Brickyard project. The city has received five requests for proposals for the Brickyard project. Coming up on Friday, March 14, city officials plan to interview three of the five firms about their ideas for the future of the Brickyard.

The City of Wadsworth has been busy conducting interviews with sports landscaping companies on ways to improve the playability of ball fields. The city is planning to paint fencing at the two diamonds at Weatherstone Park and make other improvements. In the future, the city is also considering improving dugouts and installing bullpens.

Categories: News

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.