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Support: Our annual giving report, accomplishments and upcoming goals – Wadsworth Community Radio

Wadsworth Community Radio

Your support plays a vital role in our mission at Wadsworth Community Radio to connect our listeners to music, resources, sports, news and happenings in our amazing town. Choosing to make an end-of year donation to us gives you the opportunity to directly impact what you have come to know, love and expect from us and our programming.

Through your generosity this year, a combination of anonymous donations, contest funds, underwriting clients and other donations, we were able to upgrade our remote broadcasting equipment for clearer coverage with next-to-no delay.

This year alone, we have given away thousands of dollars worth of prizes donated by our station supporters through contests or giveaways. In 2024, we volunteered at 40 local events and did 10 remote broadcasts. We also brought you all home girls and boys basketball games, along with all home Wadsworth football games – and post-season match-ups (35 games covered in total) – and so much more! When you think of Wadsworth, we sure hope we are top of mind!

Wadsworth Community Radio is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and any donation given to us can be tax deductible. In 2025, donations will go toward continued operating expenses, music licensing, and to start a fund to move our antenna and enhance our signal/coverage area.

Our hope is that you will choose to support our hard and important work in this community! We do not receive any government funding of any kind to operate; no donation is too small! Our staff of four relies on your generosity and belief in us as we want to think bigger and do as much as we can for Wadsworth!

With gratitude,

Tom Stugmyer, President and CEO
Tina Heiberg, Co-host and Marketing Director
Joe Jastrzemski, News Anchor and Sports Analyst
Judy Powers, Underwriting Specialist

Wadsworth Community Radio 97.1FM

102 Main Street – Suite 101
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Paypal: @wcr971

Categories: News

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.