On Oct. 6, 2024, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office got a call about a man making suicidal statements who was currently armed with a gun. Authorities were told the man, identified as David Septer, 44, was “ready for them.”
Around 9:11 p.m., based on the information provided, the Wadsworth Police Department had the homecoming dance at Wadsworth High School placed on lockdown. Septer had a daughter at the dance and authorities had information leading them to believe he might be headed in that direction.
A further investigation found there was never a threat directed at Wadsworth High School or any participants at the event. The lockdown was a precautionary measure and parents praised the school district and police for their efforts in keeping all of the kids safe.
At 10:08 p.m., Septer’s vehicle was located on Silvercreek Road near Madison Trail in Wadsworth Township. Medina County Sheriff’s deputies pulled him over at which point dash cam video showed Septer exit his vehicle and point a loaded rifle at the deputies.
Two deputies, both three-year veterans, fired their service weapons. Septer was pronounced dead at the scene despite life saving attempts.
On social media, Septer’s sister, Beth, shared a tender message to the community: “For what it’s worth, the man killed was my brother. He was a veteran of the United States Marine Corp. and he proudly served 4 years protecting you and our country. He watched his brothers die in battle and that was something that haunted him for years. He was not a threat to any of your children at the high school; he wasn’t even at the high school . His daughter was there and I’m certain he just wanted to be near her, to be close to where she was. He was suicidal, he was not homicidal. Our hearts are broken and deeply sorry for all the lives that were impacted by this. We feel for the officers and pray for them as they were left with an impossible choice. Social media is an unfortunate outlet when the facts are not found or heard until after the events. On the other hand, social media can be a positive light to lift up and offer support and love to those in need. Be kind, love hard and remember, you will never truly understand the depths of someone’s darkness.”
The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is continuing their investigation into the incident.
On Oct. 13, Beth Septer posted this to social media and we thought it was heartbreakingly beautiful. Our thoughts are with your family during this grief-filled time. We would like to thank your brother for his service.
“This last week has felt like a nightmare that my family and I cannot wake up from. With the loss of our beloved David Michael Septer, my only brother, we have been grieving so terribly hard . And we will continue to grieve. BUT We know that through the incredible grace and power offered by our God, we will heal, we will rise. I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of our friends, family, extended family, work family and complete strangers; for all of the love and support we have received. There are no words to express our THANKS to all of you. We can feel the warmth of your love and the grief that you share with us, even though many we have never met, and many who have never met my brother. Yet you grieve with us and for him. We feel that
This is the best example of community and family I can think of . Social media at its FINEST and what it is intended to do, CONNECT PEOPLE. Connect people for joy , for grief , for kindness, for memories , for laughter, for tears and FOR the feeling of the closeness of so many. May I remind you all to be kind,
pause before you speak or comment on social. Be mindful of your words and if indeed those words come with negativity, judgement or just harshness …. Think about the power you hold in those words and the potential they carry to alter the mentality of someone. Love hard, be kind and always remember you will never truly never understand the depths of someone’s pain and darkness .. do not add to it , choose to HELP them rise from their darkness, rise with them through love and positivity!!”