Wadsworth Community Radio

Every Wednesday, Tom and Tina get to chat with Rob Brandt, with Robby’s Voice and the Family Matters Addiction Support Group, about the week’s upcoming meeting to help recovering addicts and their families. Family Matters provides families a safe environment to gather, share, support and grow as we travel the path of addiction. It brings a diverse group of subjects related to addiction forward through a variety of experienced speakers who understand addiction and care about the families impacted by it.

Recently, Rob shared with us he was going to begin using his many quotes he’s collected over the years and turn them into Wednesday Wisdom. It’s now something we look forward to each week!

We loved this message so much, we had to share it with you. If you want to subscribe to Rob’s Wednesday Wisdom, email [email protected].

Categories: Sports

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.