Wadsworth Community Radio

Feeding Medina County has their monthly food distribution every fourth Thursday of the month at Art Wright Stadium between 10:30 a.m. and noon.

Included in the food distribution are fresh fruits and vegetables, plus shelf stable food. What you might not know is how great the food need is locally and how you can help.

“Five days a week while we are here, we are able to take local produce from families and individuals in our community. And they’ve been extremely generous. We’ve gotten beautiful tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and fresh eggs to give out to our families,” explained Katy Fuerst, executive director of Feeding Medina County. “We are so blessed to have such a generous community that brings this to us. It’s a great way to get involved… if your garden is producing in excess, we’re happy to take that and give it out to folks who may be in need.”

Last month, 163 cars (or 400+ people) came through the Wadsworth food distribution, setting a new record.

Meanwhile, people facing acute food insecurity reached 345 million worldwide. You can read more about the stats here. 

To contact Feeding Medina County, click here.

Categories: News

Tina Heiberg

Tina happily lives in her princess palace with her husband, 3 young sons and dog.