It was a busy night of meetings in Wadsworth. Concerned residents packed city hall during an hour long question and answer session about the dog park in the works at Valley View Park.
Residents asked about lighting, fencing and parking. Dr. Dane Arends, a local veterinarian and dog park committee member, calmed their concerns, as did city officials who were on hand.
All questions were answered. Dr. Arends said lighting wouldn’t be a problem because none is needed, as the dog park will be open from dawn to dusk.
As for parking, city officials said they have been looking into expanding parking space at Valley View. They also said they’re aware of potential concerns that residents have about people cutting through their yards to get to the dog park.
“The city is aware of issues that may come up and we’re prepared to address them should they arise,” Harry Stark, economic development director, said.
City officials told residents if that happens, they can call police and voice their concerns.
Committee members hope the dog park will be complete and up and running by this summer. On March 30, officials began cutting down dead trees and marking where the fence will be.
The city is looking into different color fencing options and “installing a buffer whether it will be an additional fence or shrubs to block view from houses. We are moving forward,” committee members said.