Wadsworth Community Radio

Twadsworth-logoahe city of Wadsworth has announced that the rate for customers participating in the natural gas aggregation program for the coming year has been fixed at $3.23 mcf.

Wadsworth Service Director Robert Patrick says this year’s rate is nearly 25% less than last years. He says the new rate is more than a dollar less per mcf than the 2014 rate. For example, a Wadsworth residential customer with average usage should see a savings of $80 to $100 over the next year.

The new pricing goes into effect with the November 2015 billing cycle (which will be shown on December’s bill) and will continue through October 2016.

Patrick says “the city of Wadsworth’s aggregation pricing has consistently been one of the lowest in the area and has seen a significant drop in price since the $5.59 mcf rate recorded five years ago.

As it has been for the last several years, the city of Wadsworth aggregate supplier will be Interstate Gas Supply.

Current customers of the city of Wadsworth’s Aggregation program with ISG will not need to take any action to receive the new, reduced rate and will receive notification of the new rate in the mail within the next several weeks.

Wadsworth residents who are currently enrolled with other gas suppliers may call ISG at 1-800-280-4474 to sign up for the city’s aggregation program.

Categories: News

Joe Jastrzemski

Joe has spent most of his professional life covering sports, from the pros to high school, both boys and girls. He is currently the PA voice of Cleveland State Sports, Ursuline College basketball and Highland High School Basketball.